St Anne's forms initiative with French schools
PUPILS at St Anne's School are to use the internet to work on school projects with their counterparts in Normandy schools.

The initiative builds on the twinning relationship between Alderney and Beaumont Hague on the Cotentin.
Pupils will use Google Hangouts to talk to and see each other and collaborate on cross-subject projects.
Monique Gourdy, director of international relations at the Rectorat of Normandy, was recently in Alderney meeting with St Anne's head teacher Martin Winward, teachers and pupils, and learning about the island.
Senior prefect Amber Castle told her about the recent production of An Island Story, about the evacuation and the homecoming in 1945.
Madame Goury said: 'We learn English and children here learn French, so I think for children in Alderney and Normandy it makes sense that they talk to each other.
'They can do that much more easily now because of technology,' she added.