Pride of Guernsey: 'Selfless, caring and generous'
A MOTHER who 'has the entrepreneurial skills of Dragons' Den's Peter Jones combined with a caring and generous heart' has been nominated for the Parent/s of the Year Award.

Lindsay Fox, 45, was put forward for the Christies Group-sponsored accolade by her 19-year-old daughter, Elisha Tallon, who said her mum was her hero, idol and best friend.
'She would go to the ends of earth for any member of our family. My mum works hours and hours to give us the best life that she can.
'She's not only gorgeous on the outside but her heart is too. I cannot describe how selfless, caring and generous she is.
'Not only does she have a full-time job and is studying for exams, but she has the entrepreneurial skills of Peter Jones, so is always thinking of amazing ideas and creating them.
'My mum does everything to make sure our dreams come true, however small, and she wouldn't stop until we were happy.
'She's everything you could ever want in a mum, in a friend, in a sister, in a daughter and in a wife. I love her to the moon and back and I'm so proud to call her my mum. She is my hero and always will be.'