Pride of Guernsey - 'A dedicated team of volunteers'
A 'DEDICATED team of volunteers' have been nominated for the Rossborough-sponsored Emergency Hero of the Year Award.
The GSPCA night wardens were nominated by Jennifer Bradshaw because they 'are a team of dedicated volunteers that often get forgotten about by many people – until you need them'.
'As emergency wardens they often see the worst of the worst and it can be at any time of the night, in awful conditions. Herding cows at 4am in the rain, helping round up loose horses on busy roads and dealing with road traffic accidents. Not only do they deal with the animals, they often have to deal with distraught owners, correspond with police and other emergency services, scale trees and roofs of houses for stuck cats.
'Most of the wardens get involved with events such as the GSPCA Seafront Sunday, fundraising and helping out during the day too. They are a very important part of the running of the GSPCA.'