Pride of Guernsey: 'His first love is music'
'HIS first love is music and he seeks to implement music into every area of his life,' said Jose Paine about her nominee for the Moonpig-sponsored Arts Contribution of the Year award.

And who else could that be said of other than Roy Sarre, the larger-than-life leader of Festiva, Guernsey's award-winning churches community choir?
Established in 1985 by Roy, the choir is a chorus of 70-plus voices drawn from all the island churches and parishes.
'He is a committed Christian and he believes his musical talent is a gift from God and his passion is to encourage everyone to be involved in music in some form,' continued Jose.
The choir is supported locally by Christian Arts Guernsey, which Roy and his wife, Maddie, facilitated to promote Christian music and Christian artists in the Channel Islands.
Not generally a fundraising group, Festiva instead concentrates on spreading the gospel through music.
However it does contribute to various charities and during its 30-year existence, it has raised around £50,000.
In the past years, funds have been donated to the Guernsey Romanian Aid Appeal, the Bible Society in Swindon, Les Bourgs Hospice, Christain Aid and other local and international charities.
Last Christmas the selected charities were The Tumaini Fund and Wayaya.
In 2015, Roy was awarded the British Empire Medal.
'Roy works tirelessly to fill the island with music,' said Jose.