Pride of Guernsey: Judges have tough job deciding inaugural winners
AFTER having a seriously difficult task, judges have chosen the winners for each of the categories in the Guernsey Press Pride of Guernsey Awards.

Yesterday, they gathered at the Old Government House Hotel, thanks to the kind support of Red Carnation Hotels, to choose the winners for the inaugural awards.
Aimed at celebrating those islanders doing extraordinary things every day, they had almost 250 people or groups to choose from across 12 categories.
Through a public vote, islanders had narrowed it down to a shortlist of three in each class.
There were three judges for each award – one from the sponsor, a Guernsey Press representative and an independent judge.
Nearly 20,000 votes were cast as islanders decided who would be finalists.
Guernsey Press managing director Mark Lewis said he was really pleased with how many votes had been cast and knew what a difficult challenge was ahead for the judges. 'I am glad I am not one of the people having to decide.'
The categories are Emergency Hero, sponsored by Rossborough, Neighbour of the Year supported by Swoffers, and Carer of the Year backed by Specsavers.
Young Achiever has been supported by Butterfield, Parish Champion sponsored by OCS and RefCo is supporting Welcome of the Year.
Teacher of the Year has been sponsored by Garenne, Channel Islands Co-operative is supporting Grandparents of the Year.
Ravenscroft is backing Angel of the Year, Parent/s of the Year is being sponsored by the Christies Group, Arts Contribution has been backed by Moonpig and the Guernsey College of Further Education is supporting Overcoming Adversity.
All those shortlisted will go forward to our Oscar-style awards ceremony at a transformed Guernsey Press HQ on Saturday 8 October, with guest hosts Jo and Andy Priaulx, where the winners will be revealed.