Housing plan rejected to save views of the islands
AN 'ICONIC' view has been saved, after planners rejected a housing development application on the grounds it would spoil a panorama of the Little Russel.
Charlwood Investments Ltd has applied to demolish Frimley – a house on the corner of Rouge Rue – and several garages to build six new houses.
St Peter Port constables said they broadly supported redeveloping the site, but said the western side of the building would 'obscure an iconic view of the islands'.
The position was supported by the planners in their planning report, which said there was a specific policy to safeguard public views, if they contributed to the interest and general character of the townscape.
'Such views include glimpses of an individual landmark or feature and panoramas and vistas to and of the sea,' the planners said.
'Skyline features, such as church towers and spires, are dominant and established landmarks and should remain so. Development will not normally be acceptable if it adversely affects an important public view of a landmark, the skyline or the sea.'
The planners said the view down Rouge Rue fulfilled that policy.