Three sitting members ousted by Alderney in FAB link protest vote
CAMPAIGNERS against the installation of a France to Alderney electricity cable swept to victory at the island's election this weekend.

Alex Snowdon, who at 28 was the youngest candidate in recent years, gained a place in the 10-seat States, as did anti-FAB running mate Mike Dean.
Other candidates whose platforms centred on the island's other pressing problems also gained favour with voters.
Issues of the day in Alderney also boosted the campaign of other candidates.
Topping the polls was James Dent, with 624 votes, whose credentials as an international air transport consultant appealed to many, despite a hitherto low profile in the island. Mr Dent is a member of the States of Guernsey panel currently reviewing the role of Aurigny.
The election saw only one of the four serving members voted back in.
Louis Jean, who represents Alderney in the States of Guernsey, scooped the second most votes with 527, but Neil Harvey, Francis Simonet and Chris Rowley failed to get back in.