Widow saddened at vandalism of memorial picnic bench
A PICNIC table and bench which an 82-year-old islander had made in memory of her late husband has been vandalised.

Police are appealing for information.
The table is at Les Amarreurs at the west end of L'Ancresse Common.
It cost the woman more than £3,000 to have it put in place there.
Since it was put in place, she has visited it twice a day to clean it and pick up rubbish so that people could enjoy using it.
The damage was in the form of graffiti carved into the table and police say that while this is 'fairly low level', it has caused distress both to the bench owner and her wider family.
The graffiti was the names Mia and Nathan plus two hearts with dates inside and other small drawings.
It is thought that the carvings have been added to over a period of time during the last couple of months.
Anyone with information is asked to contact PC 105 Myla Taylor on 725111, or Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.