Halving the number of Sark conseillers on the cards
SARK could cut in half the number of conseillers in its government as part of reforms following successive uncontested elections.

The Policy and Performance Committee has been out to consultation to find out why people are not willing to stand and what would make them change their minds.
Part of that revealed that only seven people are considering standing in the next election, another seven indicated it was a possibility.
Currently there are 28 seats in Chief Pleas.
'The consultation tells us that there are fewer people ready to serve, as has been evidenced at the past few elections, we no longer have the confidence that sufficient candidates will put themselves forward to achieve contested elections from 2018 onwards (28 conseillers),' said P&P in a report to Chief Pleas.
'If Chief Pleas accepts that this reduction in those wishing to stand is to continue, then the team believes that it will be necessary to effect changes to the Reform Law (Sark) 2008 to reduce the total number of conseillers required to serve in Chief Pleas.
'This altered shape of Chief Pleas will be required alongside a change in the method of work undertaken by government.'
If accepted, from January 2019 there will be 14 conseillers.