Pride of Guernsey: Marilyn Pugh
'TOTALLY DEDICATED to creating wonderful music but also giving huge enjoyment to many' is the way Louise Hayward describes Marilyn Pugh in nominating her for the Moonpig-sponsored Arts Contribution of the Year Award.

'She has an amazing ability to bring out the best in all ages, working tirelessly for over three years to create our community choir, Alderney Voices, as well as last year taking on the local Brass Ensemble and Island Band.'
Louise says that Marilyn flies to the northern isle every week.
'Our choir has grown under her supervision to 50 members with a strong committee. Marilyn, as music director, conducts, leads and accompanies us in seven yearly public charity performances as well as the Guernsey Eisteddfod – with two trophies won so far. An enormous achievement.'
As well as her work in Alderney, Marilyn founded the mixed choir The Accidentals, which has won numerous trophies in the Eisteddfod, including the June Bourget Trophy for Outstanding Choir of the Festival in 2016 and 2017, and performs publicly for many charities.
'She's also a teacher,' said Louise, 'at St Peter Port School and Ladies' College and was head of music at Guernsey Grammar from 2001-13, and also set up the Girls' Vocal Group, Male Voice Choir, Senior Strings, Junior Windband, Jazz Band and conducted the orchestra.'
Other achievements include being a founder member of the Guernsey Chamber Choir - founded by Alan Gough - with which she still sings, conducting the Guernsey Glees from 1992-2007, being musical director for seven successful Guernsey Gang Shows, two Easter Gadoc musicals, Stage Door Company and Evoke since 2006.
She has performed in Vienna and Prague, at St James and the Eisteddfod, and with the Savoyards Operetta Company.