Guernsey Press

Consultants’ move from near hospital a concern

HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE has raised concerns about a proposal by the Medical Specialist Group to move its headquarters.

Mill House, one of the two buildings from where the Medical Specialist Group operates at the moment. (19553592)

The group has applied, via the property’s current owner, Harmsworth Pensions Funds Trustees Ltd, for a change of use for the current HSBC Private Bank offices at Park Place, Park Street, to medical specialist.

If successful, it is understood that MSG will seek to acquire Park Place and to relocate its entire operation from Alexandra House and Mill House in Ruettes Brayes.

An HSC spokesman said the committee had concerns over the implications of having medical consultants further away from the Princess Elizabeth Hospital.

‘The committee believes the closer the MSG has its operational premises to the PEH campus the better, in order to ensure the best possible outcomes,’ he said.

‘As MSG consultants spend only approximately 30% of their time in their current premises, we see the ending of the lease at Alexandra House as an opportunity to move their professional and support staff onto the PEH site where the consultants spend the majority of their time already.’

He added that a key strand of the future model for the provision of health and care in the Bailiwick, which will be debated by the States later this year, focusses on an integrated system which brings current providers closer together.

MSG has been approached for comment and said they plan to put out a statement today on the move.

Full story in today's Guernsey Press