Two States care homes score the lowest in hygiene ratings
TWO States properties for adults with disabilities have scored the lowest hygiene rating for their kitchens.
Shotley Villa, in Grandes Maisons Road, and Les Alouettes, near Vazon, are both scored at one star on the Environmental Health ‘scores on the doors’ list, along with six other establishments, which means ‘serious improvements are needed’.
A Health & Social Care spokesman said they had been making changes.
‘We have an action plan in place to rectify issues identified at the former [Shotley Villa], while the latter [Les Alouettes] has undergone a number of positive changes and we will be asking Environmental Health to re-inspect the facility as soon as possible,’ he said. ‘We are confident that improvements can quickly be made and apologise that the standards we expect have not been maintained.’
Shotley Villa has had one star for more than a year, while Les Alouettes has had its single star rating for at least five months.
The spokesman said they were confident that the problems at Les Alouettes have been addressed. ‘Work has been carried out to install a new kitchen, with new units and appliances, including a new fridge/freezer, as the temperature had been considered too high,’ he said.
With Shotley Villa, Environment Health identified specific issues with paperwork and they have been given guidance about how they can comply with the rules.
‘The inspection also highlighted that local free range eggs were being used without the kite mark, and that under new guidance they should not be used raw or partly cooked,’ the spokesman said.
‘Spaghetti carbonara was on the menu plan at this facility and, while we later clarified that we used cheese in this dish and not eggs, we now use eggs bought from the supermarket, which have the kite mark.’
The last issue highlighted was that the fridge temperature at the facility was higher than recommended.
‘This is a fairly new fridge and we have had difficulty maintaining the recommended temperature, so will seek advice and resolve on this,’ the spokesman said.
‘We believe we’ll be in a position to request a re-inspection in a few weeks and expect to deliver significant improvement.'