Education opens and then closes schools amid snow confusion
Education caused confusion this morning after announcing some schools were open before closing them all 30 minutes later.
Initially nine schools were shut after overnight snow.
But with some parents having already taken their children to school or on their way, Education made the decision for a closure across the board, announcing it at 8.05am.
‘Following snowfall overnight, head teachers carried out inspections at school this morning,’ a spokesman said.
‘While some schools were considered safe to open, others were not and decisions were taken on an individual school basis.
‘However, a decision has now been taken to close all States school for today.
‘We had attempted to open schools wherever possible but as the morning has progressed it has become clear that a more sensible and consistent decision would be to close all States schools today.
‘This decision was taken after reviewing conditions and following close liaison with Guernsey Police, which has advised islanders to take extreme caution when travelling on the road.
‘The decision to close schools is for today only. A further announcement in relation to tomorrow [Wednesday] will be made in due course.’