Doghouse owners apply to have troublesome tree felled
A TROUBLESOME tree at the Doghouse could be felled, if planners agree.

The pine stands between the lane leading to the back of the pub and the road which accesses a nursery and the badminton centre.
Doghouse director Dave Nussbaumer said the tree had been causing problems. ‘It’s damaging a neighbouring property with its roots,’ he said. ‘We have been getting complaints from people using the badminton hall and the nursery.’
The tree has been growing in that spot for at least 50 years.
‘We would be sad to see it go, but it’s a necessary thing,’ Mr Nussbaumer said.
He said if there was an issue with the loss of the tree, he would be happy to plant some replacement trees at the Farmhouse, which the family also owns.
The planning application is available to view at Sir Charles Frossard House and includes photographs of the damage caused to the road.
Any comments on the application need to be submitted by 23 March.