Guernsey Press

Inter-island seaplane risks ‘acceptable’

PLANS to operate a seaplane service between Jersey and Guernsey have moved a step closer after an assessment found that the risks associated with the service were ‘acceptable and therefore safe’.

A Harbour Air single Otter seaplane taking off from Vancouver. (Shutterstock)

In December 2017, Ben Hill, founder of Clear Harbour Air, announced that he was intending to run up to 10 15-minute flights a day on a 14-seater aircraft, landing and taking off in the Small Roads – the southern approach to the Jersey Harbour entrance.

Mr Hill previously hoped to begin running the service as early as last Easter.

In April, Ports of Jersey commissioned marine consultant Marico Marine to conduct a navigational risk assessment and consult port users and staff over the plans.

Mr Hill, founder of Clear Harbour Air, said: ‘This positive report allows us to continue to move ever closer to delivering our inter-island seaplane service to the Channel Islands next year.’

The consultants found that if measures were put into place, the seaplane service could operate around the Jersey harbour in a safe manner.

However, they have also strongly recommended that Clear Harbour Air undertakes a trial period before any ‘formal commencement’ of operations.

According to a report accompanying the risk assessment, the most common concerns highlighted by port users were additional delays caused by the planes moving in and out of the harbour, concerns that the existing five-knot port speed limit would be breached or extended, and a general concern that new regulations would be introduced – such as exclusion areas and more port traffic lights.

Marico Marine also found that the highest-ranked hazard was the possibility of boats colliding while trying to avoid seaplanes.

Within the report it compiled a list of 19 ‘additional risk controls’ which should be implemented if the seaplane enters service.

These include the red traffic lights being used to allow aircraft to move safely between its proposed Albert Pier berth and the Small Roads and ensuring that aircraft seek permission from harbour authorities to exceed the five-knot speed limit.

It added: ‘Given the high incidence of red-light infringement incidents reported in previous years, particular care must be taken to ensure the effective implementation of this control measure.’