Ormer gatherer reports first day catch of 30
ORMER gathereres were out around Guernsey’s coast yesterday to take advantage of the first tide of 2019.

Ormers can only be gathered on the day of the new moon and the two days following it, between January and April.
The coast around Lihou was particularly busy.
Among the gatherers was Reg Bullock, who managed to find three molluscs.
‘I’m going to fry them and make a nice sandwich with them for tomorrow’s lunch,’ he said.
‘Just with a bit of butter and salt.’
George Roland had a bit more luck, and managed to find 16.
‘There’s a lot of smaller ormers and quite a few just under size [just under 80mm long],’ he said.
‘That is good to see because it means the stocks are there for the next few years, but it can also be frustrating.’
He planned to take the ormers to his grandparents, who would make them into a casserole.
George Jennings found about 30 ormers.
‘You just have to turn lots of rocks,’ he said.
‘We will leave them in the fridge to set, as they get better, and then fry them with butter.’
Alan Patch was out hunting with his daughter’s partner, Sam De Carteret.
‘We have got 28 ormers,’ he said.
‘We will share them with the family. The missus will be cooking. She will fry some and casserole some.’
n Ormers can be collected today and tomorrow. The low tides are at 1.40pm and 2.13pm.