Pole dancing to yoga at health show
A RECORD-BREAKING number of people attended this year’s Health and Wellness Show at Les Beaucamps High School.

More than 3,200 people went to the third year of the show, which gave businesses a chance to showcase what they had to offer.
Organiser Tammy Lodge said last year they had 2,500 people.
‘It went really well and we are really pleased.’
There were more than 60 stalls.
Among them was pole dancing business Body & Pole.
Instructor Erica Harrisson said they saw a wide array of people having a go at the activity.
‘We have a beginners class, which is suitable for all fitness levels,’ she said. ‘It’s just about having fun.’
The College of Further Education also had a stall, showing off the type of health and wellbeing courses there are on offer both for full- and part-time students.
Faculty director Jane Le Poidevin said they were keen to showcase their courses.
‘We are seeing an increase in interest,’ she said.
‘There has been a raise in profile of health and mindfulness.’
As well as more interest being shown in the full-time courses, Mrs Le Poidevin said they had seen a boost in their adult part-time courses.
A healthy eating course on Monday evenings is full and the next course – a Mediterranean cooking one, set to start in February – is already half-full.
Megan Cluett founded All About Yoga nearly two years ago. She said having a stand at the show was a great way to generate interest.
‘It’s a great chance to show what we are doing,’ she said.
Among the crowds was Nicola Steele-Moore. She said it was not always easy to see what was on offer in Guernsey but by having all the businesses in one place, it became easy to talk to companies and see what there was available.
n The event will be back next year on the last Sunday of January.