Guernsey Press

‘Brexit delay could see Tommy Robinson elected as an MEP’

FAR RIGHT activist Tommy Robinson could be elected to the European Parliament if there is a long delay to Brexit, Jacob Rees-Mogg has said.

Tommy Robinson (24328913)

The Tory Brexiteer MP sounded the warning during a video interview recorded for the annual conference of the Guernsey Financial Services Commission, which was focusing on Brexit.

His comments came amid cross-party talks to try and break the Brexit impasse.

However, Prime Minister Theresa May might ask for another Brexit extension beyond 12 April, which is when the UK is now due to leave the European Union.

Chancellor of the Exchequer Philip Hammond has also said that he expected Brussels to require a lengthy delay. If this happens, the UK may have to take part in elections for the European Parliament held between 23 and 26 May this year.

Mr Rees Mogg was asked what could happen if Brexit was postponed and whether he would done his ‘gilet jaune’ in reference to the yellow vest movement in France.

‘I think George Osborne has a monopoly on the yellow vests, which he always used to wear as Chancellor of the Exchequer. So I won’t be doing that and I won’t be advocating doing that,’ said Mr Rees-Mogg.

‘I think in a democracy, elections will eventually come along and people will be able to say this has not been done properly.

‘I think if the UK had European elections in May that would be a golden opportunity for extreme parties.

‘I think we would send Tommy Robinson to the European Parliament and that would be an indication of the dissatisfaction that people currently feel.’