Gollop: Island plan ‘fit for purpose’
QUESTIONS were raised in the States yesterday about whether the Development & Planning Authority understood concerns expressed by islanders on policies in the Island Development Plan.
The questions put by Leister Queripel also asked whether the authority would be laying a policy letter in front of the States soon with a proposition seeking to amend policies of the IDP.
In response, DPA president John Gollop said the simple answer was no.
‘The IDP remains fit for purpose and up-to-date.
‘Perhaps the area where there has been the biggest change has been in the deliberation of the housing report last year – that indicated a lesser need for housing provision,’ he said.
‘The annual monitoring report talks of 1,100 homes in the pipeline, but against that argument you have the evidence of major developments that were considered in the pipeline such as Leale’s Yard with 400 units that haven’t gone ahead.
‘This is why I argue that there hasn’t really been any material change evident, what there has been is changing economic circumstances.’
In his second question, Deputy Queripel questioned whether development frameworks needed to be removed on the grounds that they are a complete waste of staff time and taxpayers money?
Deputy Gollop argued they would not be removed and were specific guidance prepared by the DPA for the benefit of both the developers and communities.
‘They allow early consideration of how a site may be developed so public views can be taken into consideration from the outset.’
Deputy Gollop has already announced he plans to resign from the DPA.