St Anne's, Alderney will also benefit from school transformation according to Education
STUDENTS in Alderney are set to benefit from Guernsey's education transformation according to a statement from the Education, Sport and Culture committee.
Education have said although St Anne's in Alderney is not included in the single 11-18 Guernsey school, it will still reap the new school benefits.
States' resolutions in January 2018 did not bring St Anne's into the ambit of Guernsey's school transformation because Alderney representatives in the States Deliberation said, at least for the time being, the people of Alderney would prefer their school to retain its current governance arrangements with a view to revisiting this in future.
However, the Education statement said their determination to extend opportunity and promote excellence for all will still equally apply to Alderney.
This includes the introduction of immersive technology, from proposed investments in digital services, meaning lessons could run across multiple sites, including St Anne's in Alderney.
St Anne's would also benefit from investment in staff training and development.
'The Lisia School leadership team are keen to work closely with St Anne's School, including on curriculum development, sharing of resources and training and development opportunities,' the statement said.
'The current smaller secondary schools in Guernsey, which inevitably have smaller staff teams in each subject, can struggle to support St Anne's School. In the larger colleges the larger staff teams will be more resilient and have greater capacity to support St Anne's School if the need arises.'
It also stated that St Anne's School would be included in competitions and events organised by the new Lisia School wherever possible.
Other ways in which Alderney will benefit include work to develop and add greater consistency of content and sequencing of learning to the Bailiwick curriculum, introduction of Attainment 8 at Key Stage 4, GCSE level, and changes to measuring progress between Key Stages, as well as introduction of more rigorous school inspection arrangements.
'I welcome this investment which will allow our students to access new and innovative learning opportunities, whilst also providing greater opportunity for staff training and development,' said St Anne's School management committee and liaison to Education Kevin Gentle.
'I look forward to the committee's visit in October.'
The Education committee visit will provide opportunity to discuss how education reforms can benefit Alderney students and teachers.