Guernsey Press

Kayaks left at Saints Bay causing problems

A NUMBER of kayaks have been causing problems at Saints Bay Harbour.

Kayaks have caused a problem at Saints Bat Harbour this summer because they are being secured to eyes that are there for people with moorings to tie their boats to during times of gales. They are at times blocking the path up to the road, making it impossible to pull a dinghy up. St Martin’s constable Dave Beausire said anyone with a kayak at the bay should contact the constables’ office. (Picture by Adrian Miller, 26013791)

Now the parish constables are calling for their owners to get in touch.

Constable Dave Beausire said the vessels had been causing a problem at the working harbour all summer.

‘They are being secured to eyes that are there for people with moorings to tie their boats during times of gales,’ he said.

‘They are, at times, blocking the path up to the road, making it impossible to pull a dinghy up.’

Mr Beausire said anyone with a kayak at the bay should contact the constables office.

‘[Then] we can see how to accommodate them without affecting the day-to-day use of people with moorings,’ he said.

‘We would like to work together so that as many people can enjoy the bay and its surroundings, while allowing the free flow for the fishermen and their boats to continue, without having to implement a 30-day removal notice.’

Ian Browning from the moorings committee said there had been one or two kayaks kept at the harbour in the past, with the constables’ permission.

‘But this summer there had been a big rise.

‘There’s about 25 down there,’ he said.

He said most owners kept them well out of the way and did not cause any problems.

Many of them are regularly used, although he did hear that one was owned by someone off-island who used it only for the two weeks they visited their family.

Mr Browning added that mostly they were well secured, although he was concerned that they were unmarked. That meant if one got loose and floated away, it could spark an unnecessary search.

n Anyone with a kayak there should call the constables on 238363.