Rescue dog Pablo defies bid to catch him after he ran off
MORE than 100 islanders have joined in the hunt for a missing dog called Pablo.

The rescue dog from Spain has been missing since he was spooked last Wednesday and escaped his harness in the Le Platon area of St Peter Port.
He has been living happily with his owners for the past six months and will not approach anyone but them.
Fearful and wary, Pablo has gone into survival mode. Despite numerous sightings and a 160-strong search party he remains at large, hiding in shrubbery around the Fort George area.
Little Black Dog Rescue treasurer Tina Pasquire organised the search party.
‘On Sunday, the animal shelter lent us a humane trap to try and catch Pablo because he is very wary and will not approach anyone, even possibly his owners, and other animals,’ she said.
‘He is quite a shrewd animal though. The crate is set up in Belvedere Field with his blanket and some food inside. He managed to get up to the entrance of the crate and drag his blanket out and eat the food without setting off the trap to catch him in the crate.’
The team have now moved the trap into a more secluded area away from the public and any risk Pablo might think is posed to him in a new attempt to capture him.
‘He has gone back into survival mode so he is hiding out and mainly moving around just after dark. We had a 160-plus search party out looking for him on Sunday night but we couldn’t catch him. That’s why the trap is going to be the solution – it is just getting him in there.
‘It really is a matter of time before we do but we really want to do so before the fireworks get going.’
The search team have asked people who are driving in George Street, Colborne Road, Le Val des Terres, Fort Road and Havelet to take extreme care as Pablo is crossing roads often after dark.
To find out more, report a sighting or donate to Little Black Dog Rescue visit