Jersey electric car pooling scheme will be monitored
A NEW on-demand electric car sharing scheme in Jersey will be monitored closely by Environment & Infrastructure to see if it could work here.

More than 250 people signed up within five days of the scheme launching – and a fleet of 100 electric bikes is due to be introduced in a matter of months.
The vehicles, stationed at Halkett Place and the Parade, can be booked and unlocked through a dedicated app and used at a cost of £7.50 an hour.
‘A car pooling initiative has the potential to reduce vehicle ownership, predominantly for people who may require a car for occasional journeys,’ said Colin Le Page from Traffic & Highways Services.
‘The committee recognises the obvious benefits in car sharing but has no plans finalised for a similar scheme at the moment.
‘It will monitor the success of the Jersey scheme with interest.’
Infrastructure changes may be required to implement an electric car share scheme, as at the moment there are only two charging stations available publicly at North Beach, although charging points are available at private sites such as at hotels.
‘Plans have been approved for Traffic & Highway Services to install two charging points each at La Crocq Pier, Salerie and Odeon car parks, which will take the total to eight,’ Mr Le Page said.
‘Once the initial infrastructure is in place, additional charging units may be added at the sites as demand increases further.’
In Jersey, the car sharing club’s owner, EVie, obtained government backing with several dedicated parking spaces for its cars.
If a Guernsey scheme was to require dedicated spaces, this ‘would be dependent upon whether this was a scheme introduced by the States or an independent operator', Mr Le Page said.
‘An independent operator might purchase or lease land from which they may install dedicated charging points and parking spaces for the vehicles under their control.’
Demand is a key factor. Hybrid and electric vehicle registration has increased significantly in recent years.
‘At the end of 2019 there were 471 fully electric vehicles registered along with 51 fully electric motorcycles and 496 hybrid and plug-in hybrid vehicles,’ Mr Le Page said.
At the end of 2015 there were 28 fully electric vehicles registered. Electric motorcycles are less popular - in 2015 there were 12 registered, and 23 at the end of 2018.
At the end of 2018, 84,427 vehicles were registered in Guernsey.