Go-ahead given for La Charroterie redevelopment
PLANS to redevelop a block, which includes music shop Kendall Guitars, into housing have been given the go-ahead by planners.

Le Poidevin Ltd applied to demolish the existing buildings on La Charroterie and erect a 3.5-storey building to create four apartments and one dwelling, with associated parking.
The site comprises an industrial-style building, with a mix of granite and rendered walls, a shallow pitched and lean-to metal clad roof and it incorporates a high granite wall along the street frontage.
It is currently classed as retail.
Two letters of representation were received by the planners, objecting to the development, signed by six occupiers and owners of neighbouring properties.
They were concerned that the new building would seriously impede neighbouring privacy, natural light and peaceful living in the area.
St Peter Port constables did not make any comment on the plans.
The planning report said the current building did not make a positive contribution to the area.
‘The layout of the development, with buildings fronting onto La Charroterie, and the overall design, scale and form of the development, including stepping up in height between existing neighbouring buildings, narrow plot widths, vertical fenestration, pitched roofs and the palette of materials, reflects the existing local built environment,’ it stated.
‘The density of the development is compatible with neighbouring developments, which include high density blocks of flats. The proposal achieves a particularly high standard of architectural design and would enhance the character and appearance of the conservation area and the setting of existing protected buildings.’
The report noted that the proposed dwellings all substantially exceeded the Guernsey Technical Standards minimum internal space standards.
It did accept that there would be some overlooking of neighbouring properties.
It is unclear what the plans could mean for Kendall Guitars, which is the last musical instrument shop in Guernsey and has been based on the site for about eight years. No one from the business wished to comment.