Guernsey Press

Waxy substance washed up on beach will not be tested

A WAXY substance thought to be fat or petroleum found on one of the island’s beaches will go untested due to the strain on the island’s laboratories currently testing coronavirus.

Last updated
Picture by Sophie Rabey. 02-04-20. Pembroke Beach. (27850936)

Agriculture, Countryside and Land Management Services was made aware of the substance washed up on Pembroke through social media and from something similar washing up on the beaches in years past. Their advice is to stay clear and not touch it.

A spokesperson for ACLMS said, although they would not be testing it, they had some idea of what it was.

‘Under the current circumstances we will not be testing the substance on this occasion, to avoid putting the lab under additional strain,’ the spokesperson said.

‘It is likely that any waxy substance on a beach is probably fat or petroleum-based.

‘The coast clean-up team have gone over the beach and have not found any further waxy substance.

Picture by Sophie Rabey. 02-04-20. Pembroke Beach. (27850959)

‘However, dog owners and parents with children should still make sure they keep a careful eye out and prevent them from picking lumps up or eating it.’

In 2013 and 2014, there were reports of degraded oil or fat washing up on beaches, which was found to be decomposed – through oxidation and or hydrolysis – lumps of palm oil.

The spokesperson added it could be extremely harmful if consumed.

‘If this is ingested by dogs it can cause extreme gastrointestinal upsets, resulting in vomiting and diarrhoea with associated dehydration,’ the spokesperson said.

Picture by Sophie Rabey. 02-04-20. Pembroke Beach. (27850969)

‘In the worst cases it can cause pancreatitis – inflammation of the pancreas – which is often associated with abdominal pain and which is manifested by the dog taking up a prayer posture with their front legs on the ground and their rear end in the air.

ACLMS advice for any substances found washed up on the beach, is not to remove the substance but to report it to them. However, if it has already been picked up, to double wrap it in plastic and dispose of it in the normal refuse.

  • To contact ACLMS of any substances found, email