Cobo residents oppose idea to shut coast road in the summer
AN IDEA to close the Cobo coast road at certain times during the summer has been opposed by nearby residents who say the knock-on effect it would have on their road would make the area dangerous.

Islander Sam Field floated the idea on social media to close part of the Cobo coast road regularly during the summer to enable people to enjoy the area more, appealing to the States and douzaine to back the idea.
However, Rue de Bouverie residents believe their road, which would be used as an alternative route, is too narrow to allow this to happen.
Resident Gill Queripel said her road was not big enough for two-way traffic.
‘I am dead against it, living in the Bouverie,’ she said.
‘When the coast road has work done on it most of the cars are routed down our way and the bus has to go on the pavement, as do all other large vehicles. In fact it would make it very dangerous for pedestrians to walk on, as the road is not wide enough.’
She asked why those who live there should be inconvenienced to enable people to chat when eating lunch.
‘Six times a year we put up with it for concerts which is fine, [but] this would devalue our properties, and make life very uncomfortable,’ she added.
‘Leave well alone and let us residents enjoy our quiet road.
‘No to shutting the coast road.’
She suggested instead The Rockmount could put up screens for diners, as the Cobo Bay Hotel does.
This idea was echoed by nearby neighbours Jim and Sue Sykes, who said as permanent residents of the area they did not believe the authorities would think it was a viable option.
‘We don’t mind when it’s closed off a few times a year for the balcony gigs for people to enjoy themselves but not any longer than that,’ said Mr Sykes.
‘The other week when the road was closed for work, people came down our road and there was about 600 vehicles in one hour.
‘Skip lorries, Ferryspeed lorries and eight buses an hour, the sheer volume of traffic would be too much. We’d be used as a rat run where the speed limit is 25mph, which nobody obeys as it is.
‘Plus, some of the pavements are owned by the residents, so if it came to it vehicles would no longer be allowed to mount them. New pavements would have to be created, making the road narrower – it’s just too dangerous.’
Neighbour Michelle Drysdale was also against the proposal.
‘My husband and I live in the Rue de Bouverie and are totally opposed to this idea,’ she said.
‘Our road is already used as a rat run for drivers who can no longer speed along the coast road due to the restrictive speed bumps.
‘It is too busy to walk our dogs on the pavement or to let the cat out for fear of being hit. If people choose to sit outside The Rockmount and Cobo Bay in the summer, knowing that they will hear and see traffic, that is their choice.
‘They have no right to ask for the traffic and noise pollution to be moved to a residential road where they do not live.’
Mr Field’s concept looks at closing the road in front of the Cobo Bay Hotel and The Rockmount, similar to the balcony gig days, during the summer evenings Wednesday to Friday and on Saturday and Sunday from lunchtime until evening to enable punters of the pub and hotel, once lockdown is over and they are able to open, to enjoy themselves without the road noise and vehicles passing by.