Les Varendes site ‘needs millions spent to modernise’
THE school building at Les Varendes has been identified as needing millions of pounds of refurbishment work to bring it up to modern standards.
Roofs, windows and services such as plumbing and heating within the original building require upgrades, a report says.
The Grammar School was opened 35 years ago and many of its systems are deemed to be at the end of their useful life.
In 2013, a request for nearly £17m. was submitted to the capital prioritisation process, and since then a total of £2.1m. has been spent on the site.
The bulk of the improvements identified in 2013 remain outstanding and the building is said to require significant annual maintenance work.
The leaked States report into the review of secondary education outlines what would need to be done at Les Varendes.
‘Any future model which utilises the Les Varendes site will require works to upgrade services (for example, plumbing and heating) as well as the continuation of replacement of key building components (for example, windows and roofing) in order to meet current statutory regulations and bring the building up to a suitable standard for longer term use.
‘Giving parity of facilities across sites would also require improved sports facilities, including repairing the swimming pool, which is currently not in use.
‘It would be possible to reduce costs in any model that included Les Varendes if it was decided not to upgrade the site and its facilities to give parity with other sites.
‘It is likely that this would mean higher revenue costs as a higher level of building maintenance would be required and would require further capital expenditure in the future.’
The current building at Les Varendes, but not the sixth form centre, was designed to smaller space standards than today’s guidance, BB103, which are the thresholds set by the UK’s Department for Education.
Staff surveys have indicated that space standards are an important issue – 55% said they were essential and 90% ranked them as desirable.
A transition model has been considered for Les Varendes as part of the review of all options.
If it was chosen, and depending on the extent of the refurbishment, it might be possible to keep the school open, but with a reduced number of students.
Based on information provided by the current school leadership team, the maximum number of students that could be expected on site during refurbishment would be equivalent to three 11-16 year groups plus sixth form students, for a minimum of two years.
This would mean either substantial investment in temporary accommodation, some year groups moving to different schools, or some years in which Year 7 students would be split across other schools.
Exact plans would be refined once a conclusion is reached on the future model of secondary education.