Guernsey Press

‘I didn’t expect to live this long so want to give back’

BEING given a book called How Not To Die by his daughter changed the life of one islander who is now taking part in a series of endurance challenges to raise money for charity.

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Mark Prevel was waiting for a lung transplant 25 years ago, but was given the opportunity to try a new procedure instead which was a success. Now, after reading a book, How Not To Die, he has set himself a series of fundraising marathon challenges to repay the people and organisations who have helped him live this long. (Picture by Adrian Miller, 29337046)

Mark Prevel was on the waiting list for a lung transplant 25 years ago, but was given the opportunity to try a new procedure instead.

That, and his complete re-focus of his diet and exercise regime, means he feels fitter than ever.

‘I never thought I would live this long, so now I want to give something back to the people that have got me this far – it’s because of them that I’m here today,’ he said.

‘I’ve got Crohn’s disease as well and, after being given Gene Stone and Michael Greger’s book, my eating habits changed completely.’

He now eats a mainly plant-based diet and suddenly found he had much more energy.

Raising money for Papworth Hospital, Lungevity Guernsey and Frossard Children’s Ward, he has already completed a half marathon in two hours and 10 minutes and plans to walk 100,000 steps in 24 hours on 3 April.

‘I’m gearing up for the big one in September next year, when I’m 60, where I’ll walk/run 10 lengths of the cliffs in Guernsey, a total of 150 miles in seven days, climbing a total of 31,000ft.’

Before that, he also plans to run the Guernsey marathon and another half marathon.

‘I get up at about 4am to train,’ he said. ‘I like it because there’s no one around and it’s very quiet so I can get the miles in.

‘I’ve already done 100 miles of the cliffs so far this year.’

. Follow Mr Prevel’s challenges and journey on his Facebook page Papa Prev’s Challenges. The donation links are available at