Summer bunting brightens up Town
SUMMER bunting is emerging in Town starting with the Commercial Arcade.
Ravenscroft staff volunteered to help out along with Guernsey Retail Group and Art of Living members.
Katrina Bray, Ravenscroft marketing & PR executive, said this year has gone well with all hands on deck, under the instruction of Andrew Pouteaux.
‘Bunting was under the responsibility of the Town Centre Partnership until being disbanded in 2018 when Andrew came to us for help,’ Ms Bray said.
Ravenscroft bought 12,500 metres of new bunting to replace the former stock in poor condition, plus stores the bunting and funds Event Services to install it.
‘In doing this, we bought more than was needed to replace anything that gets damaged, really thinking of the long-term supply.’
Ultimately the GRG will take over Town’s bunting, with Ravenscroft stepping in for the mid-term.
‘Retailers have had a really tough few years and the bunting adds so much to Town.
‘This week we are installing it in the Arcade, but foundations in the Arcade were too shallow to have the crane, so we’re all here to put it up and take it down manually.’
Most Ravenscroft volunteers reunited after lockdown when installing it, having gained experience on how and where to connect the bunting in previous years.
All should be in place by April in time for Liberation Day, staying until September.
‘Bunting does make a real difference and will hopefully bring people into Town to spend and support local businesses.’
GRG chair Jonathan Creasey said after the Arcade is complete, next up is the High Street and Fountain Street before the rest of Town.
‘I think it adds colour, vibrancy and theatre. It is uplifting, just like the Christmas lights, and with the floral displays makes an attractive place to come for shopping or even a cup of tea. We are thankful for Ravenscroft’s support over the years, without which this could not happen. Having their team of volunteers is invaluable – this is a real partnership.’
Mr Pouteaux added that the collective effort between Ravenscroft, GRG, the parish and Event Services is amazing.
‘Without any of that it would not be possible, and they have done wonderfully.’