Tears of joy after charity head shave
SHAVING her head for charity left Natalie Wrigley shaking, but happy to have raised so much money for a good cause.

The 31-year-old admitted to being very nervous ahead of Saturday afternoon’s extreme haircut, after spending three years growing her hair for the fundraising shave, but she was pleased with how it turned out.
‘I am glad I did it,’ she said.
For nine years she has fundraised for the Princess Elizabeth Hospital’s children’s ward in memory of her mum, who worked there and later died of cancer, by completing weird and wonderful challenges.
When she came up with this idea, she immediately knew she had to ask her hairdresser, Becky Hobson, who has done her hair for the last 26 years.
This was the first time she had shaved a woman’s head.

‘I’ve done hair cuts for the Little Princess Trust, but never shaved it all off,’ she said.
‘I am excited. I have done Natalie’s hair since she was six and I used to do her mum’s hair.’
The haircut took place at Hobson’s Hair Design, with Natalie surrounded by friends and family.
Miss Wrigley, who has done an array of charity challenges before, such as travelling 3km a day in a variety of ways for a month and completing a 10-hour danceathon.
But this latest challenge did leave her nervous, even though it was a lot quicker than her usual challenges.
Her hair was tied up into six plaits for the Little Princess Trust and took just a minute to cut off. It only took another three minutes to shave it all off.
She was overcome with happy tears afterwards.
She had her hair in a pixie cut for many years, before growing it long for this fundraiser. She admitted to actually enjoying it being quite long, but said at least this would save time getting ready in the morning. She has not decided whether she wants to grow it back long again.
To donate visit: justgiving.com/fundraising/thehairshave.