Pride of Guernsey: Mark Prevel
MARK PREVEL has received several nominations for the Close Finance-sponsored Overcoming Adversity award.
Mr Prevel was diagnosed with chronic emphysema at the age of 31 in 1993. Three years later he had three life-saving surgical procedures at Royal Papworth Hospital.
Nominator Claire Robson, who is Mr Prevel’s daughter, said: ‘Over the past year he has decided that it was time to give back and so has raised, and continues to raise, money for Papworth along with two local charities, Friends of Frossard Ward and Lungevity.’
Mr Prevel has so far raised £775 for Royal Papworth Hospital, £230 for Lungevity Guernsey and £305 for Frossard Children’s Ward at the PEH.
At 59 years old, Mr Prevel is currently raising this money through a series of challenges.
Notably, on 12 June 2021, Mr Prevel completed the 24 hour Ultra XL cliff challenge in which he completed three lengths of Guernsey’s cliff paths in 17 hours, covering 52 miles and climbing 9,400ft.
In the future, Mr Prevel is due to complete a cycle and run from Guernsey to Papworth hospital, the Father’s Day Half Marathon, the Guernsey Marathon and the Ultra Cliff Challenge in order to raise money.
On his website, Mr Prevel said: ‘I’d never have dreamt that I would live this long, now I would love to give back to those amazing people who got me this far.’