Pride of Guernsey judges decide winners
THE people who will be the Pride of Guernsey 2021 at next month’s awards evening were chosen yesterday by judges.
Sponsors’ representatives, independent judges and the team from the Guernsey Press faced some difficult decisions when they met at the Old Government House Hotel.
After the public votes had been counted for each nominee, shortlists were drawn up and it was up to panels of three judges to decide on a deserving winner for each of the 13 categories.
Ravenscroft portfolio manager Georgie Fletcher said judging the awards was a humbling experience, as she helped decide on the winner of the Ravenscroft-sponsored Angel of the Year category.
‘It was a hard decision as Covid-19 impacted all the nominees but what it came down to was the people who went above and beyond in their job, which was heightened in the pandemic,’ she said.
‘Everyone is quite busy in their day to day lives so you don’t really know how amazing the people on your own doorstep are.The awards are a time to recognise quite heroic acts which would otherwise go unnoticed.’
Ray and Scott managing director Martin Search was one of the judges of the Parent of the Year category, which his company sponsors.
‘Everybody was worthy so it was difficult to pick someone to be the winner,’ he said. ‘Pride of Guernsey is a fantastic award ceremony for Guernsey – it’s lovely and very special, especially because of Covid-19, where we needed to work together.
‘The awards enforce this so that we keep working as a team and highlight the people who actually shine.’
‘It was a really tough decision,’ added Jon Buckland, chief executive of the Medical Specialist Group, which sponsored the Emergency Hero of the Year category.
‘This award is helpful in raising awareness in the community for training as well as acknowledging and recognising the extraordinary bravery and acts people perform every year.’
Aaron Walden, an independent judge of the Neighbour of the Year award, also said the awards were important for the island.
‘It’s a time to recognise people for the good efforts they make for the community,’ he added.
The winners of the 2021 Pride of Guernsey Awards will be revealed at the awards evening at St Pierre Park Hotel on 16 October.
‘The judging is an exciting time. Now we’re all looking forward to the awards evening, when we can share and celebrate the stories and achievements of our winners,’ said Guernsey Press editor James Falla.