Guernsey Press

GSPCA releases Pedro the puffin back into the wild

PEDRO the puffin has been returned to the wild at Puffin Bay in the first-ever puffin release for the GSPCA.

Picture by Sophie Rabey. 29-04-22. Pedro the puffin was returned to the wild at Puffin Bay in the first ever puffin release for the GSPCA. Island Rib Voyages took Pedro the puffin and two guillemots out to sea to release them, along with other media and GSPCA Staff. GSPCA Manager, Steve Byrne holds the birds. (30772232)

Rescued covered in oil from Lihou back in February, Pedro was rehabilitated by GSPCA team member Yvonne Branquet, and has become the first puffin to be released by the GSPCA.

‘We have a protocol to follow when we rescue oiled birds,’ she said.

‘We give them three tubes of charcoal mixed with fluids to clear out any oil they may have ingested, and from there start feeding them fish such as sprats and eels.

‘After a few days we are able to start washing the oil off of them.’

Chris and Dan Meinke of Island Rib Voyages typically see the puffins nesting around Puffin Bay between March and July. During rib trips they experience breeding season, watching the babies learn how to swim and fly, before they move out to sea and float around for the remaining months.

‘It is rare for us to rescue puffins as they spend most of their life out at sea, and it is extremely rare for them to survive in captivity long enough to rehabilitate them, so today is a very big day for us,’ said GSPCA manager Steve Byrne.

Pedro was released with two guillemots who he made friends with at the GSPCA. Tara and Valentine were both found covered in oil just two days apart at different locations. They all recovered and grew strong enough at a similar time so were released together.

‘We still see quite a few birds that are rescued covered in oil,’ said Ms Branquet.

‘It’s definitely still an issue, and they’re typically picked up near the north of the island but can be found as far as Perelle as well.’

When lowered into the water, Pedro was hesitant to jump in, however soon followed Tara and Valentine, and swam inland to Puffin Bay.