Accidental Zoo’s open day has great animal attraction
PIGLETS were one of the main highlights of yesterday’s open day at the Accidental Zoo.

It was its fifth open day of the year, with hundreds of islanders attending to see the 300 animals living at the farm.
Charlotte and Ryan Le Guilcher set up the Accidental Zoo in early 2019.
‘The piglets really help bring learning alive,’ said Mrs Le Guilcher.
‘There is nowhere like this on the island.’
She said seeing islanders attend in their droves was incredibly rewarding and made her grateful for Guernsey’s community feel.
Ducklings were waddling around their patch, cows were seeking a pat from anyone walking by, and the island’s biggest turtle was also a spectacle for visitors.
For the children there were paddle boats, splat the vegetable and face painting.
There were also 20 snakes, including a boa constrictor, appealing to the more daring visitors.
The Accidental Zoo works with local charity Wellbeing Matters, and some people who have benefitted from the charity’s support have become mentors and help to run the open days.
‘When you have started with mental health and anxiety issues it’s great to see them getting involved,’ said Mrs Le Guilcher.
There were five mentors who supported the event.