Guernsey Press

Pride of Guernsey: Iris and Dora

‘NOTHING is too much trouble’ at Iris and Dora, which has been nominated for the Customer Service of the Year award, sponsored by DWA.

A warm welcome awaits at Iris and Dora. (Picture by Luke Le Prevost, 31109666)

‘As you enter you are always greeted with a smile,’ said nominator James English about the art studio.

‘The atmosphere is really relaxed and the staff there are amazing and so patient.

‘It is such a great place to go to if you like to create art and it is available for people of all ages to use.

‘You can learn how to paint pottery items to keep as gifts or mementos and they can have it fired, you can make your own sculptures, you can learn how to throw pottery on a wheel and they help you out and provide you with the right tools.

‘There are so many things that you can do and whatever it is they are always patient with you.’

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