Pride of Guernsey: Rob Thomson
ROB THOMSON ‘goes above and beyond expectations’ according to an anonymous nominator who put him forward for the Sure-sponsored Sports Volunteer award.
For many years, Mr Thomson has volunteered for a number of sports clubs.
‘Rob is a volunteer for a variety of clubs around the island and over the years has dedicated so much of his time with the running of and organising of Griffins Cricket club and their most recent tournament in Spain, for what was formerly Manzur FC and now recently Vale Rec,’ the nominator said.
‘Rob makes himself available to parents of the Griffins minis teams and players both young and old 24/7.
‘He does so with no complaints, despite having a young family and working full-time both on and off island.’
They said Mr Thomson was supportive of everyone.
‘Rob is proud of all his teams and does his best to ensure they achieve their best.
‘I know others will agree that Rob’s commitment to these teams goes above and beyond expectations.’