Guernsey Press

First La Societe bat box is fitted

THE first bat box to be provided as part of La Societe’s campaign to halt the decline of the mammals has been installed.

The property in Pleinheaume which was the first house to get a bat box installed in La Societe’s new scheme. (31339382)

Islanders have been able to apply to have the boxes fitted on their properties, as long as the location meets certain criteria.

The boxes are free and La Societe can help with the cost of mounting them.

A house at Pleinheaume was the first location to get its box and La Societe bat section member Laura Harrison said it was ‘fantastic’ to see it happen.

‘This is the start of what we hope will be a really successful campaign to raise awareness of the bats of the Bailiwick and provide them with some artificial roosts,’ she said.

‘We have had a lot of applications but are continuing to look for new sites to place bat boxes.’

Applications are still open and anyone who is still thinking about having a box is encouraged to put their name forward.

A donation from Islands Insurance has made the initiative possible.

n A full list of the criteria and details of how to apply can be found on La Societe’s website at or those interested can email Mrs Harrison at