Guernsey Press

Stretch limo, classic cars drive against GST

More than 60 vehicles left North Beach car park in parade yesterday afternoon as a gentle reminder of the public’s opposition on tax proposals.

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One of the vehicles to stand out in the round-island protest was Ozzy and Ali Ozanne’s stretch limo. (Pictures by Luke Le Prevost, 31795934)

Drivers of cars, motorbikes, vintage cars, and a stretch limousine decorated their vehicles with posters, bumper stickers and red ribbons as they drove a circuit of Guernsey,

Other drivers joined from coastal car parks around the island.

David and Ann Masterton got involved in the event to support the ‘Say No to GST’ campaign they said to protect their children and grandchildren.

David and Ann Masterton joined the protest as they are fearful of the impact of GST on their children and grandchildren. (31795924)

‘We’ll be gone when the impact really hits, but GST would only increase and it’ll rise from 5% to 10% before long,’ they said.

‘P&R are not listening and not entertaining the public view, so we have to make a stand.’

The couple were also not fans of the other proposed tax options, and thought that higher earners should be taxed more.

  • Podcast: Simon De La Rue is joined by Deputy Peter Ferbrache and Deputy Gavin St Pier to discuss the options on the table as debate resumes on the tax review

‘There are a lot of wealthy people in Guernsey and extra tax will not make that much of a difference to them compared to what it would on lower earners,’ they said.

They added that more tax could be raised, but it should be done fairly.

Organisers of the event hired a bus to be inclusive for the elderly, those with disabilities and those who cannot drive, but who still wanted to be involved.

The organisers of yesterdays' motorised protest, left to right, Chris Machon, Rachel Presland, Karen Jolly, Lance Vaudin and Anne Le Cheminant, have another planned as States members arrive for the continuation of the Tax Review debate on Wednesday. (31795928)

They reinforced the fact that this was not a protest, but something for politicians to take notice of, and remember the ‘Say No to GST’ rally and all the members of the public who attended.

The bus led the procession around the island, followed by Ozzy Ozanne and wife Ali in a limousine.

Various local vehicle organisations got involved with the campaign.

Taxi driver and chairman of the Guernsey Classic Vehicle Club, John Bichard, encouraged members of the club to tag along and said he was ‘dead against GST.’

‘Any excuse to get out and drive the classic cars and we’re there, but I’m also against it,’ he said.

Taxi driver and Guernsey Classic Vehicle Club chairman John Bichard, right, with John and Jose Reeve. (31795926)

He added that there were other means for the States to raise money, and was concerned about the red tape surrounding the infrastructure and administration it would take to implement a GST.

n The organisers have planned another protest outside the Royal Court building on Wednesday at 8.30am as politicians enter for the next stage in the debate.