Guernsey Press

Trees planted at Fort Road to replace those removed at PEH

NEW trees are being planted to replace ones being removed as construction work is being carried out at the Princess Elizabeth Hospital.

Johnston McGall from Rihoy & Son tree planting at Fort Road to mitigate the trees being lost as part of the hospital improvement project. (Picture by Peter Frankland, 31814757)

There were 19 trees removed to facilitate the new critical care unit extension as part of the first phase of the hospital modernisation programme.

The ash trees, which were non-native species, had stood for around 25 years, with 17 being taken from outside the Ozanne Ward and two from an internal courtyard, which has since been filled in.

Principal environmental services manager Andy McCutcheon said the decision had not been taken lightly.

‘When considering the impact of construction works, we like to liaise with all parties to ensure that trees are not removed unnecessarily and that all viable alternatives are considered,’ he said.

‘In the case of the works taking place at the PEH, the only viable alternative was to replant and replace the trees in a different location.’

The new trees are being planted in Fort Road field where 25 trees have been supplied by Guernsey Gardens.

Staff from hospital modernisation programme and contractors Rihoy & Son were doing the planting, alongside planters from the States and Guernsey Trees for Life.

Five each of lime, field maple, English oak, birch and hazel, which are all native species, have been spread around the field and are expected to take 30 to 40 years to fully grow.

Hospital modernisation director Jan Coleman said it was great to see work being done to repair any damage caused to the local ecosystem.

‘It is always regrettable when trees must be removed to facilitate a building programme,’ she said.

‘We are really pleased that we are now able to mitigate the loss of the 19 trees that were removed from the PEH site with 25 new trees.’

No more trees are expected to be impacted by the current works at the hospital.