Guernsey Press

Saffery Rotary Walk is most popular ever

ABOUT 1,000 people took part in a record-breaking Saffery Rotary Walk.

Caroline Mauger and Jo Hollyer-Hill at the Bordeaux checkpoint. (Picture by Sophie Rabey, 32199262)

It has long been one of the island’s largest fundraising events, but organisers believe the 25th edition of the walk, held on Saturday, was the most popular ever.

‘We’re looking at around the 1,000 mark. We believe it’s a record year in terms of registrations and then we’ve got relays and family walkers and disabled people. It’s just fabulous,’ said Saffery Champness director Lisa Vizia.

Walkers doing the full route set off from Town at around 4.30am and headed for their first checkpoint at Jerbourg. 39 miles later, after making their way clockwise around the island, they crossed the finish line at the Weighbridge – a few in as little as eight hours but many more after 10 or 12 hours or more of walking.

Later in the summer, tens of thousands of pounds raised will be distributed to 25 charities at a presentation event at Government House, at which various awards will also be given out to people who have made a special contribution to the walk.

‘This is our main corporate social responsibility event.

‘It’s not just about writing cheques – it’s about giving back to the community and being involved,’ said Ms Vizia.

‘We’ve got all our volunteers here and some of us have been doing the walk. Our reach is wide – we’re helping 25 charities with their projects, giving them publicity and raising awareness. We love doing it every year.’

For a brief period during the morning it looked as if rain might set in, but it soon cleared.

‘Generally, the weather has been brilliant for the walkers. When it’s too hot, it’s a killer, but today it has been kind.’