Jersey hosting four-day CI Pride celebration next month
A FOUR-DAY celebration of the LGBTQ community in the islands is being planned for next month in Jersey, as it hosts this year’s CI Pride.

Jersey Pride director Christian May said this year’s event was very different to what it used to be.
‘We have grown exponentially. This year both in terms of scale and what we’re offering it’s much bigger.’
As well as the focal point of the march on the Saturday, there will be a concert of tribute acts on the Friday, two stages of performances taking place in the People’s Park on the Saturday, as well as a village which he said is probably about three times the size of what it was four years’ ago. Funding for the weekend comes from sponsorship.
‘We’re really lucky to have really generous corporate sponsors,’ said Mr May.
While many of those who attend are Channel Islanders, he said that a survey carried out last year showed that about 15% were visitors from outside the islands.
‘And we always get a really good crew from Guernsey.’
Eurovision semi-final stars Tomara Thomas and Mercedes Bends will be appearing on the main stage in the People’s Park, which will also see DJ Ellie Prohan and headliners 5IVE.
The second stage at the park is new this year and this will feature local and UK drag acts, comedians singers and poets. Mr May said that there were so many people looking to perform that a third stage might be needed in future.
He was particularly looking forward to the Friday evening’s Pride Idols concert, featuring tribute acts to Lady Gaga, Freddie Mercury, Celine Dion and Elton John.
'I think that will put everyone in the mood for the weekend.’
Members of Liberate Guernsey will be travelling over and carrying with them the 50m-long rainbow flag which will be at the heart of Saturday’s parade. The flag was last used at the Alderney Pride event.
n The CI Pride weekend in Jersey runs from 14-17 September.