Brownfield sites prioritised to limit loss of green space
COMMON sense will be used to find the right sites for Guernsey’s new housing, Development & Planning Authority president Victoria Oliver has said.

Deputy Oliver said her committee had drawn up the criteria for choosing the right sites.
‘But we will be using common sense as well,’ she said. ‘We will be prioritising brownfield sites over green fields.’
However she accepts that some green space may be allocated.
‘My perfect scenario is 100% brownfield sites, but that is not realistic,’ she said.
‘If it could be 80% brownfield sites, that would be fantastic. But the worst thing would be if not many sites are put forward, as then we would not have the houses for everyone who needs one.’
In the last call for sites in 2013, more than 500 sites were suggested. Of these 20% were put forward by the States.
Deputy Oliver said Policy & Resources had already asked for the Castel Hospital site to be considered. The site was recently partially listed, leading some concerns from P&R about how it could be developed.
But Deputy Oliver said she had already been approached by architects interested in creating plans for the site, having done similar projects before.
She added that other States sites could also come forward.
‘I think La Mare de Carteret School site might be put up.’
She said the committee was also reviewing its housing density guidance, as there was need for more housing, but this would need to be handled carefully.
The call for sites forms part of an overall review of the Island Development Plan. It is hoped that a policy letter will go to the States in March 2025.
Once all the sites are put forward and reviewed, a planning inquiry will be held next year to look at the sites and determine which ones should become housing allocation sites.
‘There will be lots of chances for consultation,’ Deputy Oliver said.
She added that it was important to agree or object early to ideas, as once they become part of the IDP, it was much harder to object.