Applications to demolish buildings at Leale’s Yard
BUILDING control and planning applications have been submitted to demolish 18 buildings at Leale’s Yard to prepare the site for development.

The Channel Islands Coop bought the former industrial site behind the Bridge in 1998, but barely any progress has been made to transform the site in the last 25 years, apart from the submission of four planning applications between 2009 and last year.
The most recent for building is for an outline application to demolish the buildings and create a mixed-use redevelopment with 338 residential units, 5,800sqm of retail floor space, 8,000sqm of commercial floorspace, and a multi-storey car park. It was submitted in April 2022 but is still awaiting a decision.
The latest planning application for the clearance, which went live this week, includes removing the large buildings in the middle of the site, but also some of the shops around the edge.
Three shops at the northern end of the Bridge, including the former Citizens Advice charity shop, would be demolished, along with two buildings off Commercial Road. Once cleared, hoardings will be put up where the buildings were.
The Coop is working with its development partner Omnibus Investment Holdings to develop the site.
Channel Islands Coop CEO Mark Cox said the latest application continued a joined-up approach with Omnibus.
‘Within the application, we have set out the case to progress the demolitions, and how the arisings will be disposed of to meet environmental and sustainable standards,’ he said.
‘We also explain how the works will be completed when the demolitions are approved.’
He said the completed development would radically transform the Bridge and St Sampson’s Harbour areas and provide islanders with much-needed homes and employment facilities.
Omnibus director Charles McHugh hoped the application would be approved.
‘Omnibus continues to progress the plans to deliver over 300 new homes and associated parking and employment space to the island,’ he said.
‘This investment will deliver much-needed new jobs, homes, and opportunities for the island, and key workers will be able to enjoy high-quality, purpose-built living and business units, set in a pleasing environment with sustainable transport connections.
‘The demolitions of the existing structures will, when permitted, mark further progress towards the delivery of this vision and the masterplan for the site.’