STSB handed responsibility for future runway decisions
STATES members agreed yesterday to pass on responsibility for deciding on any future runway extension to the States Trading Supervisory Board, on the recommendation of the committee previously responsible – Economic Development.

Several members expressed concern about the move, pointing out that STSB has never been viewed as a policy- setting entity.
Former chief minister Lyndon Trott was among those doubting the wisdom of giving responsibility to STSB, when it also has the role of being Aurigny’s sole shareholder and it is widely accepted that Aurigny’s business model would be severely challenged by any extension.
STSB president Peter Roffey stepped in to reassure him that he and his board would always act in the interests of Guernsey first and foremost, even if it meant pushing aside the interests of the States-owned carrier for which it has responsibility.
According to the agreed proposition, STSB will be obliged to consider any future extension ‘on the basis of commercial, regulatory or other considerations’.
Deputy Heidi Soulsby questioned what ‘other considerations’ could mean in that context.
STSB is now expected to consider the issue ahead of the next refurbishment of the airport runway and aprons, which is estimated to be due in about 10 years’ time.
In arguing for the change, Economic Development president Neil Inder warned that, in relation to tourism, a longer runway could not translate into economic growth without a corresponding increase in bed stock.
The switch of responsibility to STSB was approved 26-10, while members also voted 36-1 to note ED’s report on the feasibility of adopting EMAS technology.