Guernsey Press

Church gets money stolen donated back four-fold

St Peter’s rector has expressed his delight after islanders donated money in the wake of the church’s collection box theft.

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St Peter's rector the Rev. Dr Adrian Datta. (Picture by Peter Frankland, 32843901)

About £100 was stolen from an iron collection box at the rear of the church during the festive period.

It had been due to benefit Les Bourgs Hospice and Open Doors, a charity that supports persecuted Christians around the world.

The theft was reported in the Guernsey Press on Wednesday, and islanders have since donated four times the amount taken.

The rector, the Rev. Dr Adrian Datta, said that some had been made personally and others anonymously, but all had come from people unconnected to the church.

‘We were absolutely delighted to receive the donations and very appreciative,’ he said.

‘The money will all go to the two charities the stolen money was due to benefit. As well as the donations we have received a great deal of messages of support.’

Dr Datta said he was unaware if any progress had been made into the police investigation, but said that the nearby Styx Centre, of which he is also a director, had had some kitchen items stolen, so there was a heavier police presence in St Peter’s than normal.

The church is planning to provide a free community lunch on the third Sunday of each month, and Dr Datta said those not attending the service were welcome to attend.

‘We have three core values at the church – hospitality, hope and humour – and we have been concentrating on hospitality,’ he said.

‘After this incident I feel more than ever that the church should remain open and hospitable and be somewhere people feel safe and secure.

‘What makes Guernsey so attractive is that people feel able to keep there doors open and long may that continue.’

  • Guernsey Police are still looking into the theft. Anyone with any information should contact PC Tom Redford on 01481 222222 or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111