Guernsey Press

Forest Primary good in all categories in Ofsted report

Forest Primary is an inclusive, supportive school, an Ofsted report has found, and it has marked it ‘good’ across the board.

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The Ofsted report praised Forest Primary School for being inclusive and supportive and the whole school gathered outside to celebrate a report which rated it as good in all areas. (Picture by Sophie Rabey, 33011553)

However, more work needs to be done to ensure students know what they need to learn, the report noted.

The school has 138 pupils aged between four and 11, overseen by head teacher Paula Sullivan.

She was delighted that school was marked as good across all five areas, including the quality of education and behaviour.

‘This inspection report is a reflection of our wonderful school community,’ she said.

‘I consider myself incredibly lucky to lead this school with pupils and staff who make me proud. External inspections are never easy and to receive good ratings in all categories is recognition of what we are doing.’

The report said that inclusivity was ‘a golden thread that runs throughout Forest Primary School’.

‘The school is aspirational for all pupils,’ it stated. ‘The strong focus on developing a well-sequenced curriculum supports pupils to build the knowledge they need to succeed. Pupils with SEND, including those with complex needs, flourish because adults know precisely how to support them.’

Overall, pupils were eager to learn and classrooms were seen as meaningful learning environments.

The reading curriculum came in for praise for its variety, with a love of reading encouraged in Reception children, while older pupils enjoy classic and modern authors.

The school also works to enrich pupils’ personal development and get them to learn to stand up for what is right.

However, the report noted that in some subjects, key knowledge was not clearly set out.

‘Where this is the case, pupils do not build their knowledge securely or draw confidently on what they have previously learned,’ the report states.

‘For example, in geography, pupils recall their current knowledge of the water cycle, but are unclear how this links to what they have learned about before. The school should ensure that the crucial ideas and concepts that are important for pupils to remember are outlined in all subjects.’

Mrs Sullivan said the school strived for continual improvement.


Guernsey’s schools started being inspected by Ofsted in 2021, and Forest is the sixth local setting to receive at least good ratings in all inspection categories.

Director of education Nick Hynes said the good reports were a significant achievement.

‘This report highlights the many qualities of Forest Primary, and Paula and her team should be rightly proud of it,’ he said.

‘Parents and carers can be reassured that their children are receiving a good quality of education in an inclusive and supportive setting.’

Education, Sport & Culture president Deputy Andrea Dudley-Owen said this was the 11th education setting inspected as part of the new framework.

‘The inspection report for Forest Primary clearly demonstrates the great work taking place there, and is a credit to staff, students and the whole school community.’