Only Fools and Donkeys riders set off for Brittany
MORE than 50 cyclists have set off on the fifth Only Fools and Donkeys charity bike ride.

The Mule d’Ane-versaire left Guernsey on Saturday for a week of cycling in Brittany to raise funds for local charities.
The 53 riders, supported by a crew of 10, will cycle a choice of 50, 80 or 100 miles per day starting and ending in St Malo and visiting Vitre, Nantes, Saint Nazaire and Rennes.
Only Fools and Donkey co-founder Mike Marshall said he was deeply disappointed he could not go with the cyclists this year due to an injury, but he knew they would have a great time.
‘It looks like good weather,’ he said.
The event always fills up and then slightly overflows beyond the 50-person limit.
Mr Marshall said he thought it was so popular as it was such a friendly event.
Lisa Adamson and Paula Taylor were two friends taking part. They both used to work in the British Virgin Islands, but Ms Taylor now lives in Guernsey. When she signed up for the ride, she quickly invited her friend.
Mrs Adamson flew from BVI to Antigua and then on to Gatwick, before arriving in Guernsey on Tuesday, ready to take on the challenge. Her bike was flown over in a bike box.
‘I knew my friends were doing this and I have always wanted to do it,’ she said. ‘So now I’m here.’

Another first-time participant was former rugby player, 72-year-old Brian Evans. He said that he had been keen to get involved with another charity ride, having completed some before.
For the past month he has been cycling 200 miles a week.
‘So I know what to expect and I’m looking forward to it,’ he said.
Charity patron Lt-Governor Lt General Richard Cripwell saw the riders off from Government House, led by two adapted bikes from the newly-launched Wheels for You initiative as the riders headed to the harbour to catch the ferry to St Malo.