Guernsey Press

GVS seeks 75 volunteers in 75th anniversary year

The Guernsey Voluntary Service is looking to find 75 new volunteers as a keystone of its 75th anniversary celebrations this year.

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GVS manager Mandy Le Bachelet, left, with some of the current volunteers, left to right, Carol Priaulx, Sandy Wilson, Wendy Guille and Margaret Pettitt. (Picture by Peter Frankland, 33353302)

As well as running the island’s Meals on Wheels service, manager Mandy Le Bachelet said that the GVS needed to find people to help at its two social clubs at Jubilee House in Grandes Maisons Road in St Sampson’s, and The Russells at Le Grand Courtil in St Martin’s.

Volunteers can carry out tasks including phoning blood donors to arrange appointments, and providing help with bathing people.

Mrs Le Bachelet estimated that a minimum of 45 people were needed every day to ensure all the services could be provided.

‘We’ve just lost a couple of volunteers from The Russells,’ she said, ‘and when we lose somebody, it really does make a difference.’

Although the GVS currently has some 550 volunteers on its books, the time each one can give varies dramatically, with some helping out several days a week, while others do so only once a month.

‘Generally, people do only help us out once a month, unless they’re retired, when they can do more,’ said Mrs Le Bachelet.

The charity is flexible with those who volunteer. She said that the main thing was for it to have the help available.

‘We will work with our volunteers because it’s their free time.

‘The whole point of it is that you give the time you can.’

Sandy Wilson has volunteered at the charity for 20 years. She started helping out while still working and continued after retirement.

‘I used to come here and help out at the salon, doing a bit of driving and helping with teas, then a job came up in the office so I was Meals On Wheels coordinator for eight years,’ she said.

After retiring, she started helping regularly in the kitchen at Jubilee House and still does some administration work on a Thursday.

‘It’s lovely. You feel like you’ve done something with your day and it’s nice to be able to do something to help people.’

  • The Guernsey Voluntary Service will be holding an anniversary ball on 23 November at the Duke of Richmond Hotel. To book a ticket or reserve a table, email For more information about volunteering opportunities at the GVS, go to or call 247518.