Guernsey Press

Children are invited to join Summer Reading Challenge

CHILDREN have been invited to get creative and fire up their imaginations through the power of reading in the Guille-Alles Library’s Summer Reading Challenge.

The Guille Alles Library’s Summer Reading Challenge is now under way. (Picture by Erin Vaudin, 33425322)

Last year saw record numbers take part in the free challenge to read six books during the summer holidays. More than 2,000 children signed up.

‘We have seen quite a few signing up in the last few days,’ said Tiffany Woosley, lead for children’s collections at the library.

‘The first day of the challenge is always busy, but you can also sign up online, which does make things a little easier.’

This summer’s theme is ‘Marvellous Makers’, inspiring children to express themselves in creative ways and tap into a world of imagination through stories.

‘The theme is just a guideline and you can take out anything you like, but the arts and crafts books have proved very popular,’ she said.

‘My favourite book in the theme for younger readers is the picture book The Artist by Ed Vere, that’s quite a new book and a really fun story.’

Children collect stickers and rewards after reading each of their six books, and challenge finishers receive a medal and a voucher for a free swim at Beau Sejour.

The challenge, which runs until September, is supported by Rawlinson & Hunter.

n More information about the Summer Reading Challenge can be found at or by calling the Children’s Library on 743635.