Guernsey Press

Thief caught on home doorbell camera entering unlocked cars

POLICE are investigating after a thief was seen entering an unlocked car parked outside a St Saviour’s home at 4am – and stealing an apple.

A still from Sarah Brehaut’s doorbell camera recording at about 3.40am. (33607449)

Sarah Brehaut initially thought little of being woken at 4am yesterday morning and went back to sleep.

It was only on checking her doorbell camera later on that she discovered someone had tried to steal from her cars.

‘I’d heard something on the gravel, but I didn’t think anything of it,’ she said.

‘I thought I heard someone calling for a cat.’

Thinking this might have been related to her own pet, she checked the video recording from her doorbell and discovered the would-be thief.

‘It was a bit unnerving, to be honest, to know that someone has been on your property,’ she said.

‘He got into one of my cars, which I stupidly hadn’t locked.’

This was a Fiat 500.

‘It’s an electric car and I usually lock it from the app, but I didn’t on this occasion.’

The man can also be seen trying a door handle on a Mercedes parked nearby, but Ms Brehaut had locked this.

‘Luckily, there was nothing of value in the Fiat, although she said the thief did appear to have found something.

‘To add insult to injury, it looked like he took my apple and ate it on the way out.’

After posting the video clip on the Guernsey People Have Your Say Facebook group, Ms Brehaut said she was contacted by a man from the Vale who had not been so lucky and had a wallet containing £70 taken from his car which made her wonder if there had been a spate of such incidents recently.

She has contacted the police about the incident.

Police said they were investigating a number of reports of insecure vehicles being entered early in the morning in St Saviour’s and asked anyone to review any CCTV footage they might have, particularly from around 3am. Any information would be welcome.

‘Unfortunately, this serves as a timely reminder for vehicles island-wide to be kept locked when not in use and for any valuables to be removed overnight,’ said a police spokesman.

n Anyone with information on this matter is asked to contact PC 97 Du Port or PC 55 Le Bachelet on 22222 or anonymously through Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.